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One Church . . . Two Locations . . . SE Portland & Oregon City
Who are We at Hope International?
Hope International Church you find a very unique Gathering of Christians from all over the world. In reality, we are really just a reflection of our neighborhood here in SE Portland with more than a dozen unique cultures and languages represented in our church. At the same time, we have something very important (we would say most important) in common - our belief in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and that we hold the Bible to be the authority in our everyday lives!
English Speaking
We are approximately 60% International with a large number having come to America as refugees. At the same time we are mainly an English speaking church. You may hear someone pray in another language during the offering or a song may be done in multiple languages, but English is used in both the sermon and most Bible Studies. We do have Bible Study in other languages when we have someone able to lead in their language.
Family Oriented
Like most people in the world, we desire a safe, warm atmosphere to raise our children so at Hope we provide loving teachers, clean and inviting spaces and safe check in and check out.
Please click on any of the following Links to find out more about us: